Oceanpayment User Online Operation Manual

Shopify email template update

1. Find out [Order confirmation], [Order edited], [Order refund] menu in Settings->Notifications of Shopify background

2. Edit Order confirmation and Order edited email templates

3. Search for (Ctrl+F) the keyword "gateway" on the Order confirmation and Order edited pages respectively, and find out the following code location:

(Modification is not needed if you can not find out the codes or the codes don't match with the description)


4. When find out the code in step 3, replace it with below code:

{%if transaction.gateway|replace:"_",""|capitalize=="Oceanpayment"%}






5. Save

6. Edit Order refund email template

7. Search for (Ctrl+F) {{refund_method_title|capitalize}} on the Order refund page, and find out the following code location:

(Modification is not needed if you can not find out the codes or the codes don't match with the description)


8. When find out the code in step 7, replace it with below code:

{%if refund_method_title|capitalize=="Oceanpayment"%}





9. Search for (Ctrl+F) {{transaction.gateway|replace:"_",""|capitalize}} on the Order refund page, and find out the following code location:

(Modification is not needed if you can not find out the codes or the codes don't match with the description)


10. When find out the code in step 9, replace it with below code:

{%if transaction.gateway|replace:"_",""|capitalize=="Oceanpayment"%}





11. Save, modification is completed!