1、The first way: Login to the shop backend -> Shop Design -> Customize
2、Find the template footer and click on it->Open logo display button
3、If the logo of oceanpayment is not displayed, login to the shop backend -> Shop Settings (bottom left corner) -> Receive payment -> Bind oceanpayment account
4、The second way: Login to the shop backend -> Shop design -> Customize -> Footer -> Add content block -> Footer logo
Logo image download at: http://download.oceanpayment.com.cn/
三、Terms & Conditions or INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS clause added
1. Click on the page -> click on Create Page -> enter Terms & Conditions or INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS for the page name -> switch to source code mode -> do the following.
Add code.
When the Terms & Conditions link is provided as:https://www.9-bill.com/index/img时, add the following code to the corresponding page.
At the bottom of the Terms & Conditions page.
<img src="https://www.9-bill.com/index/img">
<img src="https://www.9-bill.com/index/legal">
When the Terms & Conditions link is provided as:https://www.9-bill.com/index/text时, please add the following code to the corresponding page.
Bottom of Terms & Conditions page: <object type="text/x-scriptlet "data="https://www.9-bill.com/index/text "width="100%">
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS page: <object type="text/x-scriptlet" data="https://www.9-bill.com/index/legal" width="100%">
4、Display Terms & Conditions or INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS terms at the bottom of the website
1. Select a shop and click on Menu Navigation -> Select an existing menu or create a new menu
2. Select the custom page -> select the Terms & Conditions or INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS page -> Update
If the shop does not show navigation at the bottom, then shop design -> Customize -> Footer -> Add content block -> Menu navigation